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Humanist Fellowship of Scotland | Nonprofit Organisation Offering Wedding Ceremonies​

Frequently Asked Questions


Do we have to become members of the HFofS to be married by one of your Celebrants?

No you don’t! We say “just belong to each other!”

What’s the difference between the Humanist Fellowship of Scotland and other humanist organisations?

We believe in celebrating everything that unites us.
We do not have staff members to support financially.
We have given over £50,000 to humanitarian charities.
We do not campaign.
We embrace people of all spiritual beliefs and none.

Can you conduct legal marriages in Scotland?

Yes, our celebrants are authorised by the Registrar General for Scotland to conduct legal marriages throughout Scotland.

Can I get married outdoors, on a beach, hilltop or Scottish territorial waters?


Can I choose which Celebrant will conduct our wedding?


Can we elope to marry in Scotland??


Yes, but you still have to follow the legal requirements and timescales for marriage in Scotland.

Can you help me prepare my own funeral?

Yes indeed. We can meet with you and perhaps your family and friends to agree wordings, reflections, poetry and prose to help create the funeral ceremony you would like.

Is there a Humanist equivalent of a Christening?

Yes. We offer a Baby Naming or Welcoming Ceremony. We can also have a ceremony to celebrate where a child has been adopted. And we can also include a short naming as part of a wedding ceremony if that feels right.

Do you do Renewal of Vow Ceremonies?


If you would like talk to one of us about anything please get in touch with any of us at the Humanist Fellowship of Scotland.

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